Hi,ladies and gentlemen.First of all I would like to say thanks for the opportunity that have been given to me.I want to tell you about SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE.

I want to ask all of you, have you ever do sex before marriage? I hope you’ll never do that, because I thing it’s to risk for us to having sex with our partner, we never know that our partner is have HIV/AIDS or something like that or not and beside that in our culture even physical it’s forbidden to us having sex before marriage. So if you want to having sex you may use a condom for safety and I suggest to NEVER DO THAT for more safety.

In this situation all of you must ever been heard free sex, freestyle, sex before marriage, pregnant before marriage and abortion.That information can we get from mass media and we can also get it from VCD, books or magazine that can we say porn. A lot of factor that can causes a teenager sex activity.For example, boy have more sexual hormone than girl so it’s easy to make him feel horny and having sex with the opposite gender. The effect from free sex is feel afraid get to mock at from the society or for the girl feel worry that the boy is not responsible to her and wont marriage with her and also you lost your virginity. There is a lot of risk for you to do sex before marriage.

I would like to remember all of girl here to keep your virginity for your husband because your virginity it’s so expensive. Thanks for the attention.


shiropeto mengatakan...

pada artikel speech tersebut dsbutkan bahwa virginity is expensive wow..seharusny itulah yg mesti dianut oleh anak" muda jaman sekarang especialy the girls who want to became a woman..jgn sampe virginity lo ilang duluan sbelum waktuny..!!*

Unknown mengatakan...

putrii,, ur article are so brave talking about sex and virginity. i do agree about our virginity are expensive.

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